Monthly Archives: September 2021

Call to join the User Experience Team of The Academy 2021

Are you interested in Guiding and Scouting in the European Region and are you familiar using different online tools? Are you interested in supporting high quality training and networking opportunities and experience from the back end how it is to run a large-scale event?
Then being part of the User Experience Team of the Academy will be the perfect position for you!

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Recruitment opportunity for Polish-German Team members

Poland and Germany are not only close neighbours and share a border of more than 400km but also have long-lasting cultural ties. In Scouting and Guiding there are many local partnerships between Polish and German units and friendship between Guides and Scouts from both countries exist. Against this background it was decided in the beginning

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Superwahljahr 2021 – U18 Wahl

Was sind U18-Wahlen?Die U18-Wahlen sind für Kinder und Jugendliche unter 18 Jahren und finden immer neun Tage vor der offiziellen Wahl statt. Dazu gehören die Bundestagswahlen, die Landtagswahlen und die Europawahlen. Sie sind ein symbolisches Zeichen.   Warum gibt es U18-Wahlen?Auch Kinder und Jugendliche haben ein politisches Interesse, Themen oder Wünsche, die gehört werden sollten.

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